Education, finance, care and work
Information about education, finance, care and work for Ukrainian refugees.
This page provides information about education, finance, care and work for Ukrainian refugees.
Gerelateerde vragen
Education ({{ (accordion=='education') ? 'uitgeklapt' : 'ingeklapt' }})
The municipality of Amstelveen is working on an activity program together with partners such as Participe, educational institutions, Amstelveen Sport, Platform C and many others. This program is intended for Ukrainian refugee children and young people staying in Amstelveen. The program offers children from 2 to 18 years of age sports, games and creativity. At the same time, a full daytime educational program is being worked on for the children. Every morning, there is a mother / child program for children aged 2 to 6. You may bring your younger children and babies along as well, but there is no separate program for them. A daily sports and games program has also been implemented for children between the ages of 6 to 18, from 2.30 to 6 pm. In addition, there are activities for children of this age group that will vary every day.
Finance ({{ (accordion=='finance') ? 'uitgeklapt' : 'ingeklapt' }})
Special costs
Refugees who do not have enough money to pay for necessary costs can sometimes be reimbursed for these costs. This concerns certain necessary costs that cannot be paid in any other way (such as living allowance or income from work). These can be costs for travel, sudden medical reasons or costs for school transport for children of compulsory school age. More information can be found on the page Special costs for refugees from Ukraine (in Dutch).
Living allowance
Refugees who do not have enough money to live on can apply for an living allowance. Depending on where you are staying, you can receive a living allowance for food and beverages, housing allowance and/or for personal expenses such as clothing. More information can be found on the page Living Allowance for Refugees from Ukraine.
Bank Account
You will need a Dutch bank account to receive your living allowance. You can start applying for your account in advance. You can find information about opening a bank account via the website
Registration of BRP
It is necessary for you to start registering with the Basic Registration of Persons (Basis Registratie Personen, BRP). Registration is necessary in order to qualify for Dutch services like for example, to open a bank account and to receive a living allowance.
Additional information on the living allowance can be found at the website of the Government of the Netherlands - Rijksoverheid. (Only available in Dutch)
Care ({{ (accordion=='care') ? 'uitgeklapt' : 'ingeklapt' }})
Medical care
Life-threatening emergencies: call 112
General practitioner available on Mondays through Fridays from 8 am to 5 pm
You can call the special phone number of the Kronenburg General Practice (Huisartsen-praktijk Kronenburg) for Ukrainian refugees, 0850 - 4807 18, from Mondays through Fridays from 8 am to 5 pm (except for Dutch national holidays). When calling this number, you will speak to an Ukrainian and English speaking Ukrainian doctor who works as a doctor's assistant at the practice. They also help with translation during your visit to the doctor.
General practitioner in the evenings and on weekends
This applies only to cases that cannot wait until the next day / working day. Call the gen-eral practitioner station Amstelland at the following number: (020) - 456 20 00. Doctors and assistants answering this number speak both English and Dutch.
The Kronenburg general practitioner and the Ukrainian speaking doctors' assistant work together. Part of the time they work in the Kronenburg practice and part of the time in the Adagio hotel. When making an appointment, you will be told by phone when and where your appointment will be:
- Kronenburg general practice (Huisartsenpraktijk Kronenburg)
Address: Uilenstede 512A (within walking distance of the Adagio / Ibis hotels) - Doctor’s station at the Adagio hotel
Address: Professor J.H. Bavincklaan 1 (right next to the lobby of the Adagio hotel)
Registration with the general practitioner
The Kronenburg General Practice has already received a list of names and dates of birth from our municipality of all Ukrainian refugees who have registered in Amstelveen. Everyone on this list will be registered as a patient with the general practitioners at the Kronenburg General Practice. Ukrainian refugees who are not yet registered with the municipality of Amstelveen can also seek medical care at Kronenburg and be treated as patients there.
Dutch Council for Refugees (Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland)
In case you don't have medical issues but you do have questions about the Dutch health care system, like for example how to take out health insurance, you can contact the Dutch Council for Refugees by sending an e-mail.
Prescriptions that are provided by a general practitioner fall under the basic health insurance package, and medication is therefore reimbursed by the CAK (Central Administration Office) for uninsured persons, or by the basic insurance for insured persons.
Healthcare reimbursement
Do you have a Citizen Service Number (Burgerservicenummer, BSN)? If so, as of July 1, 2022, your healthcare expenses will be reimbursed under the Medical Care Scheme for Displaced Persons from Ukraine (RMO). This new regulation establishes the provision of healthcare services and medication that are included in the basic insurance. Moreover, as of July 1, 2022, certain healthcare services that are not part of the basic package will be reimbursed through the RMO.
This involves, for example, the reimbursement of dental care in case of acute pain (up to € 250), contraception, abortion care, glasses and hearing aids (with prior authorization), and certain medications. The healthcare package is the same as the Medical Care for Asylum Seekers Regulations (RMA). Care that is not included in the basic package is not reimbursed.
You do not have to do anything to qualify for the RMO, except to be registered with the BRP.
If you are not registered in the BRP, the healthcare provider can declare the costs incurred by you through the Subsidy Scheme for Emergency Medical Care for Uninsured Persons (SOV) of the CAK, as was the case before July 1. The regulation that it only concerns healthcare services in-cluded in the basic package continues to apply (that is, no dental care).
There is no personal payment for both the RMO and the reimbursement through the subsidy scheme of the CAK. You do not have to pay anything to the healthcare provider for the expenses covered by this scheme as the healthcare provider will be reimbursed by the government.
Refugees from Ukraine cannot take out a Dutch health insurance if they do not work in the Netherlands. Since July 1, Ukrainians who do work in the Netherlands (or are going to) do not have to take out a Dutch health insurance either.
Click here for additional information about the healthcare system.
Mental healthcare
Are you experiencing stress, anxiety, worry and / or grief? What can help in those cases is to visit each other, talk about it, support each other or seek distraction. If you continue to have strong symptoms, psychological help is available as explained below:
Social work of Participe
Social work offers help in case of psychosocial problems, such as minor psychological issues, social problems, family or parenting problems. Social workers can also help you find other forms of support.
Participe has Ukrainian-speaking psychologists as social workers. They offer an intake interview and, depending on the situation, 3 to 5 follow-up interviews.Participe has walk-in consultations in the lobby of the Adagio hotel on Mondays, Wednes-days and Fridays from 10 to 11 am.
Jewish Social Work (JMW)
JMW offers social work and psychosocial support to anyone with a Jewish background. JMW also liaises with Jewish organizations upon request, such as with Jewish schools (Cheider and JBO) and several other denominations. Meetings are scheduled by appointment.
World Psychologists
The World Psychologists Foundation offers free mental health care by videoconference. You can apply by e-mail. For additional information, please visit the website wereldpsychologen.
Dental care
Refugees can visit any dentist in Amstelveen. To do so, please contact them yourself to make an appointment. When registering, please provide your name, date of birth, place of residence and nature of the symptoms. If you are unable to speak English or Dutch please make sure that you find someone who can help with the translation.
For children, dental care is reimbursed from the basic insurance. Therefore, these services are reimbursed to dentists through the RMO and the CAK. For adults, dental care is not included in the basic pack-age. The RMO does reimburse dental care in case of acute pain (up to € 250). This is not covered by the subsidy scheme of the CAK.
If you are pregnant please register with an obstetrician close to the place where you are staying.
Pregnancy supervision in the Netherlands is provided by obstetricians who offer guidance throughout the pregnancy and during childbirth.
Help at home is available through post natal care during the days following the delivery. However, you must arrange for post natal care in advance. The obstetrician can help you with this.
Pregnancy supervision and post natal care fall under the basic health insurance package and are therefore reimbursed.
- Kronenburg general practice (Huisartsenpraktijk Kronenburg)
Work ({{ (accordion=='work') ? 'uitgeklapt' : 'ingeklapt' }})
Should you be looking for a job you can contact Werkplein AA, who can provide advice and support in topics related to work and education. Moreover, Werkplein AA also organizes job fairs, speed dates and individual placements.
The way it works
Send an email to in order to schedule an appointment. During this appointment you will have an intake interview where they will discuss your aspirations and needs with you. Besides, your potential opportunities will also be discussed. You will be contacted as soon as a job has been found that matches your needs. If you have a CV, please bring it along with you to the interview.
Walk-in consultancy
On Wednesday mornings, there is a walk-in consultancy at Werkplein AA (city hall of Amstelveen) from from 9 am to 12 noon. During this walk-in consultation you can drop by to inquire about job-related topics or you can ask for an intake interview.
You will need a BSN number and a bank account to be allowed to work. See the Registration and Residence website for more information.